How To Reuse, Repurpose, And Recycle Your Content

As artists, we pour our hearts and souls into creating original pieces of content that we hope will be appreciated and enjoyed by audiences. However, after hours spent creating a piece of art, it can be frustrating when it feels like the content has run its course and is no longer serving its purpose. That's where the three Rs of content come in Reuse, Repurpose, and Recycle.

By following these principles, you can take your old content and give it a new lease on life. In this blog post, we'll explore the six easy steps to help you do just that.

a typewriter reused as a flower display

The Three Rs What Do They Mean?

Reuse refers to re-sharing the same content in the same format it was originally created. Repurpose means taking the same content but in a different format, such as turning a blog post into a video or podcast. Recycling means taking content elements and using them to create something entirely new, such as creating an infographic from text and images from a blog post.

▶ SAH HQ’s May Action Plan: How To Reuse, Repurpose, And Recycle Your Content.

â–¶ Click here to join the HQ and access this 10-page plan. Save your time and sanity by repurposing content.

Why Repurposing Content Makes Sense

Reaching More People

Different people have different preferences when it comes to consuming content. Some like visuals, while others prefer audio. If you repurpose your content to fit these different mediums, you can tap into new audiences and extend your reach.

Bringing Old Gems Back to Life

We all have favorite books that we've read and enjoyed, but eventually forget about. With content, the same thing can happen - your best work gets buried over time. By repurposing content, you can bring that old favorite back to the forefront, making sure that great content is never forgotten.

Maximizing Your Content Efforts

It takes a lot of effort to create high-quality content. But, even the best content can fall flat for various reasons. Repurposing content gives you the chance to give your content a second chance at success, letting users who missed it the first time around have another opportunity to discover it.

Assess Your Content - What Parts Are Truly Valuable

When deciding which pieces of content to repurpose or recycle, assess how much value each piece has on its own. You should make sure that the element you're choosing to reuse comes from a valuable piece of content to ensure that the result is worth your time and effort.

Only repurpose content that stands the test of time? Stick with evergreen content that remains valuable and relevant for months, or even years, to come!

Consider Your Options For Reusing Your Old Content

Consider sharing your old content on different platforms to reach a new audience. For example, if you have a blog post, you can share snippets of the same content on social media platforms like Instagram or Twitter.

Repurposing your existing content into new formats opens it up to a completely new audience. For example, you can turn a blog post into a video or podcast episode. This way, you can reach people who prefer to watch or listen to content instead of reading it.

Or you can promote your blog posts through a weekly tips newsletter. Even if you already have a solid email list of dedicated subscribers, chances are they won't see every post you write. But with a weekly newsletter, you can showcase your top-performing posts and entice readers to visit your site.

The options are endless.

Discover Creative Ways To Recycle Content Into Something New

If you've been creating content for a while, there's a good chance you have several pieces of content that can be put together to create a new piece. For example, combine and remix selected work into something entirely new.

Equip Yourself With Tools To Make The Process Easier And More Streamlined

Several tools can make your content repurposing and recycling process more manageable and streamlined. Some useful tools include Canva and Spark for creating graphics and infographics and Hootsuite's bulk scheduling feature for easily scheduling posts on various social media platforms.


Regardless of how much time and effort you put into creating content, there will always come a time when it's no longer as effective as it once was. Still, the three Rs of content - Reuse, Repurpose, and Recycle - allow you to take your old content and give it a new lease on life.

Whether you're hoping to reach a new audience or create a new asset altogether, these six easy steps will help you achieve your goals and maximize your content's potential.

Join the HQ membership to access our latest action plan on how to reuse your content so that you can work smarter, not harder!

By equipping yourself with the right tools, you can make your content creation and repurposing process more streamlined and efficient. Happy creating!


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