10 Easy Steps For Raising Your Online Profile As An Artist

online directory for visual artists

As a visual artist, it can be difficult to get your work seen by the right people. You may feel like you are shouting into the void and no one is listening.

But don't give up! There are many ways to raise your profile and get your artwork in front of the right eye.

It’s no secret that the best way to get your art out into the world is by building a strong profile.
It can be hard to know where to start, though.

That’s why we’ve put together this blog post with some key tips and tricks for growing your profile as a visual artist.

Let’s dive in!

  1. Use Your Website To Build An Irresistible Online Presence

online directories to discover art

Having a website for your art is essential. It's the go-to place to find accurate and up-to-date information about you and your work, which galleries, curators, collectors and press all rely on - so it’s definitely worth investing in! With a simple website set-up that won't blow the budget or take forever to create comes total control over how people view your artwork – giving everyone everywhere access to it. So make sure you don't miss out; build those networks further with an awesome Artist Website today!

Choose a layout that is attractive and easy to navigate. Aim for a fresh and modern, but timeless look. If you »å´Ç²Ô’t know how to set up a website, take a class or get a friend to do it for you. There is really no excuse not to have one.

Curate Your Work. It can be tempting to show off all your work online but be selective when choosing what to include. If your website includes too many examples of your work, visitors are less likely to view them all. Some of your best pieces may never get seen!

Or, if you include pieces that »å´Ç²Ô’t represent your best work, they can distract potential clients from the rest—and make your entire body of work seem weaker overall. 

2. Unlock The Power Of Social Media

social media as a tool to get new customers

Don't underestimate how valuable social media can be for spreading awareness of what's great about your art. To make sure it does, why not craft a proper plan and set some clear goals in mind? Whether that is building up a new audience or increasing engagement on existing channels, take stock of who exactly you want to target so your message reaches far and wide!

It may also help if you create professional business accounts across all platforms. This will not only make you look more professional, but it will also give you access to more analytics tools to enhance your social media marketing strategy. 

3. Leverage Your Followers Networks

Have you considered leveraging your followers’ networks to promote what you do?

Contests are a great way to do that!

For example, you can offer a free product from your portfolio or website as an incentive, then ask contestants to make a post about their favourite piece from it – sending word of mouth organically around the 'Net. Plus, when participants show off what they love most on their own networks - everybody wins!

4. Cross-Promote With Other Artists

Did you know that one of the best ways to promote your art is by connecting with other artists? Cross-promoting allows both parties involved to benefit from more visibility, as well as a larger audience. Your fans will be exposed to work they otherwise wouldn't have seen and vice versa!

Plus this agreement works for everyone regardless of style - it's guaranteed there won’t be any overlap in terms of potential clients you could lose out on. So why not take advantage and explore how cross-promotion can help give your artwork even greater success?

5. Thrive With The Support Of An Art Organization

art organisations to grow your career

Besides offering tons of networking opportunities, art organizations can provide workshops, artist promotion and advocacy, resources, and more.

At ÄÛ²ÝÉ«ÇéƬ we focus on a proven 6-month process to raising your profile.

We know how important it is to show your art consistently and market your work to the right audience.

That’s why we continuously put the spotlight on your art and your practice, using different marketing channels to maximise the effect.
Publicity is created just for you so, that you can spend more time in the studio doing what you love.

6. Write About Your Work

Whether you're an emerging or a seasoned artist, writing about your art can be the perfect way to give people deeper insights into how and why you create. By sharing meaningful stories connected to your life experiences through creative captions on social media posts, blog entries for more in-depth storytelling, or even writing a book detailing all aspects of being an artist - from making work and running a business to understanding what it's like having such close bonds with this form of expression.

Writing about visual art might seem daunting at first but try giving yourself word prompts that encourage reflection; it could open up new opportunities as well!

7. Network & Join Artist Communities

networking to grow your audience

Connecting to the global art world is easier than ever before - just join an engaging and inspirational group that allows free conversation about anything related to arts. You'll get in the know about upcoming exhibitions, essential materials for incredible artwork and encouraging discussions from other artists all around the globe.

Whether it’s online or through face-to-face interactions, meeting people and building relationships is essential to get noticed.

Make sure you »å´Ç²Ô’t limit yourself by using just one platform. Attend local events related to the art world or even host your own networking events (this could be anything from gallery openings or presentations).

Make sure you bring along business cards so that people can easily keep track of how they can contact you or view more of your work.
With the right contacts, who knows what will come next?

Also, consider joining industry organizations such as professional trade associations or professional groups on Facebook. These groups are great for meeting other artists in your area, learning from industry professionals, and making connections that can help propel your career forward.

8. Learn From Artist Who Are A Step Ahead Of You

No matter where you are in your artistic journey, gain incredible insight from the masters!

Consult with more experienced artists or industry experts who have already gone through this process, they may be able to help by sharing what steps they took

Network, ask questions on industry-specific forums

There are hundreds of podcasts where well-known artists share their experience and showcase a variety of techniques. Keep on learning and join the conversation today.

9. Utilise The Power Of Word Of Mouth

Your own promotion matters in the art world!

Don't forget to tell your friends and family about what you're working on, from updating them about your latest exhibition openings or social media pages. Showing a personal touch by inviting them for visits will be truly appreciated. Ask those closest to you - who are also some of the most trusted sources when it comes to recommendations -to join you along this journey in getting noticed; share posts, visit galleries...anything that can help spread the word of your work far and wide with their support is worth considering!

10. Get Involved With Exhibitions & Contests

Exhibitions and contests are great ways to get yourself out there in the art world while also giving back at the same time. Attend local exhibitions (or better yet, submit a few pieces of artwork) and join contests which will not only give you exposure but also provide feedback about your work from industry professionals—all invaluable tools for helping shape your profile as an artist!

Even if you »å´Ç²Ô’t win the competition, entries are often shared by the organisers on social media, and many competitions will show off runner-ups and mention recently submitted entries. Check out our open call listings and get started today.

Stay At It And You’ll Get There

Growing a strong profile isn't easy—but if done correctly it can pay off immensely for any visual artist looking to make their mark on the art world.
From developing an online presence through websites and social media platforms, networking with other artists both online and offline, and attending exhibitions/contests/trade shows - all these strategies play an important role in helping build up a successful profile over time!

So take advantage of all these opportunities today - who knows where they'll take you!


Unlocking Success: Proven Strategies to Help You Grow Your Art Business


Featured Artist: Anthony Tanner